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import datetime import itertools as it import logging import requests import time from . import errors logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OsmApiSession: MAX_RETRY_LIMIT = 5 """Maximum retries if a call to the remote API fails (default: 5)""" def __init__(self, base_url, created_by, auth=None, session=None, timeout=30): self._api = base_url self._created_by = created_by self._timeout = timeout try: self._auth = auth if not auth and session.auth: self._auth = session.auth except AttributeError: pass self._http_session = session self._session = self._get_http_session() def close(self): if self._session: self._session.close() def _http_request(self, method, path, auth, send, return_value=True): # noqa """ Returns the response generated by an HTTP request. `method` is a HTTP method to be executed with the request data. For example: 'GET' or 'POST'. `path` is the path to the requested resource relative to the base API address stored in self._api. Should start with a slash character to separate the URL. `auth` is a boolean indicating whether authentication should be preformed on this request. `send` contains additional data that might be sent in a request. `return_value` indicates wheter this request should return any data or not. If the username or password is missing, `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised. If the requested element has been deleted, `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised. If the requested element can not be found, `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised. If the response status code indicates an error, `OsmApi.ApiError` is raised. """ logger.debug(f"{datetime.datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} {method} {path}") # Add API base URL to path path = self._api + path if auth and not self._auth: raise errors.UsernamePasswordMissingError("Username/Password missing") try: response = self._session.request( method, path, data=send, timeout=self._timeout ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: raise errors.TimeoutApiError( 0, f"Request timed out (timeout={self._timeout})", "" ) from e except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise errors.ConnectionApiError(0, f"Connection error: {str(e)}", "") from e except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise errors.ApiError(0, str(e), "") from e if response.status_code != 200: payload = response.content.strip() if response.status_code == 401: raise errors.UnauthorizedApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, payload ) if response.status_code == 404: raise errors.ElementNotFoundApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, payload ) elif response.status_code == 410: raise errors.ElementDeletedApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, payload ) raise errors.ApiError(response.status_code, response.reason, payload) if return_value and not response.content: raise errors.ResponseEmptyApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, "" ) logger.debug(f"{datetime.datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} {method} {path}") return response.content def _http(self, cmd, path, auth, send, return_value=True): # noqa for i in it.count(1): try: return self._http_request( cmd, path, auth, send, return_value=return_value ) except errors.ApiError as e: if e.status >= 500: if i == self.MAX_RETRY_LIMIT: raise if i != 1: self._sleep() self._session = self._get_http_session() else: logger.exception("ApiError Exception occured") raise except errors.UsernamePasswordMissingError: raise except Exception as e: logger.exception("General exception occured") if i == self.MAX_RETRY_LIMIT: if isinstance(e, errors.OsmApiError): raise raise errors.MaximumRetryLimitReachedError( f"Give up after {i} retries" ) from e if i != 1: self._sleep() self._session = self._get_http_session() def _get_http_session(self): """ Creates a requests session for connection pooling. """ if self._http_session: session = self._http_session else: session = requests.Session() session.auth = self._auth session.headers.update({"user-agent": self._created_by}) return session def _sleep(self): time.sleep(5) def _get(self, path): return self._http("GET", path, False, None) def _put(self, path, data, return_value=True): return self._http("PUT", path, True, data, return_value=return_value) def _post(self, path, data, optionalAuth=False, forceAuth=False): # the Notes API allows certain POSTs by non-authenticated users auth = optionalAuth and self._auth if forceAuth: auth = True return self._http("POST", path, auth, data) def _delete(self, path, data): return self._http("DELETE", path, True, data)
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class OsmApiSession: MAX_RETRY_LIMIT = 5 """Maximum retries if a call to the remote API fails (default: 5)""" def __init__(self, base_url, created_by, auth=None, session=None, timeout=30): self._api = base_url self._created_by = created_by self._timeout = timeout try: self._auth = auth if not auth and session.auth: self._auth = session.auth except AttributeError: pass self._http_session = session self._session = self._get_http_session() def close(self): if self._session: self._session.close() def _http_request(self, method, path, auth, send, return_value=True): # noqa """ Returns the response generated by an HTTP request. `method` is a HTTP method to be executed with the request data. For example: 'GET' or 'POST'. `path` is the path to the requested resource relative to the base API address stored in self._api. Should start with a slash character to separate the URL. `auth` is a boolean indicating whether authentication should be preformed on this request. `send` contains additional data that might be sent in a request. `return_value` indicates wheter this request should return any data or not. If the username or password is missing, `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised. If the requested element has been deleted, `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised. If the requested element can not be found, `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised. If the response status code indicates an error, `OsmApi.ApiError` is raised. """ logger.debug(f"{datetime.datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} {method} {path}") # Add API base URL to path path = self._api + path if auth and not self._auth: raise errors.UsernamePasswordMissingError("Username/Password missing") try: response = self._session.request( method, path, data=send, timeout=self._timeout ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: raise errors.TimeoutApiError( 0, f"Request timed out (timeout={self._timeout})", "" ) from e except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise errors.ConnectionApiError(0, f"Connection error: {str(e)}", "") from e except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise errors.ApiError(0, str(e), "") from e if response.status_code != 200: payload = response.content.strip() if response.status_code == 401: raise errors.UnauthorizedApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, payload ) if response.status_code == 404: raise errors.ElementNotFoundApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, payload ) elif response.status_code == 410: raise errors.ElementDeletedApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, payload ) raise errors.ApiError(response.status_code, response.reason, payload) if return_value and not response.content: raise errors.ResponseEmptyApiError( response.status_code, response.reason, "" ) logger.debug(f"{datetime.datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} {method} {path}") return response.content def _http(self, cmd, path, auth, send, return_value=True): # noqa for i in it.count(1): try: return self._http_request( cmd, path, auth, send, return_value=return_value ) except errors.ApiError as e: if e.status >= 500: if i == self.MAX_RETRY_LIMIT: raise if i != 1: self._sleep() self._session = self._get_http_session() else: logger.exception("ApiError Exception occured") raise except errors.UsernamePasswordMissingError: raise except Exception as e: logger.exception("General exception occured") if i == self.MAX_RETRY_LIMIT: if isinstance(e, errors.OsmApiError): raise raise errors.MaximumRetryLimitReachedError( f"Give up after {i} retries" ) from e if i != 1: self._sleep() self._session = self._get_http_session() def _get_http_session(self): """ Creates a requests session for connection pooling. """ if self._http_session: session = self._http_session else: session = requests.Session() session.auth = self._auth session.headers.update({"user-agent": self._created_by}) return session def _sleep(self): time.sleep(5) def _get(self, path): return self._http("GET", path, False, None) def _put(self, path, data, return_value=True): return self._http("PUT", path, True, data, return_value=return_value) def _post(self, path, data, optionalAuth=False, forceAuth=False): # the Notes API allows certain POSTs by non-authenticated users auth = optionalAuth and self._auth if forceAuth: auth = True return self._http("POST", path, auth, data) def _delete(self, path, data): return self._http("DELETE", path, True, data)
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def __init__(self, base_url, created_by, auth=None, session=None, timeout=30): self._api = base_url self._created_by = created_by self._timeout = timeout try: self._auth = auth if not auth and session.auth: self._auth = session.auth except AttributeError: pass self._http_session = session self._session = self._get_http_session()
Maximum retries if a call to the remote API fails (default: 5)
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def close(self): if self._session: self._session.close()