
The OsmApi module is a wrapper for the OpenStreetMap API. As such it provides an easy access to the functionality of the API.

You can find this module on PyPI or on GitHub.

Find all information about changes of the different versions of this module in the CHANGELOG.


  • dictionary keys are _unicode_
  • changeset is _integer_
  • version is _integer_
  • tag is a _dictionary_
  • timestamp is _unicode_
  • user is _unicode_
  • uid is _integer_
  • node lat and lon are _floats_
  • way nd is list of _integers_
  • relation member is a _list of dictionaries_ like {"role": "", "ref":123, "type": "node"}
View Source
The OsmApi module is a wrapper for the OpenStreetMap API.
As such it provides an easy access to the functionality of the API.

You can find this module [on PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/osmapi)
or [on GitHub](https://github.com/metaodi/osmapi).

Find all information about changes of the different versions of this module
[in the CHANGELOG](https://github.com/metaodi/osmapi/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).

## Notes:

* **dictionary keys** are _unicode_
* **changeset** is _integer_
* **version** is _integer_
* **tag** is a _dictionary_
* **timestamp** is _unicode_
* **user** is _unicode_
* **uid** is _integer_
* node **lat** and **lon** are _floats_
* way **nd** is list of _integers_
* relation **member** is a _list of dictionaries_ like
`{"role": "", "ref":123, "type": "node"}`


import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.parsers.expat
import urllib.parse
import re
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager

from osmapi import __version__
from . import dom
from . import errors
from . import http
from . import parser
from . import xmlbuilder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class OsmApi:
    Main class of osmapi, instanciate this class to use osmapi

    def __init__(
        Initialized the OsmApi object.

        There are two different ways to authenticate a user.
        Either `username` and `password` are supplied directly or the path
        to a `passwordfile` is given, where on the first line username
        and password must be colon-separated (<user>:<pass>).

        To credit the application that supplies changes to OSM, an `appid`
        can be provided.  This is a string identifying the application.
        If this is omitted "osmapi" is used.

        It is possible to configure the URL to connect to using the `api`
        parameter.  By default this is the SSL version of the production API
        of OpenStreetMap, for testing purposes, one might prefer the official
        test instance at "api06.dev.openstreetmap.org" or any other valid
        OSM-API. To use an encrypted connection (HTTPS) simply add 'https://'
        in front of the hostname of the `api` parameter (e.g.

        There are several options to control the changeset behaviour. By
        default, a programmer has to take care to open and close a changeset
        prior to make changes to OSM.
        By setting `changesetauto` to `True`, osmapi automatically opens
        The `changesetautotags` parameter takes a `dict`, where each key/value
        pair is applied as tags to the changeset.
        The option `changesetautosize` defines the size of each
        upload (default: 500) and `changesetautomulti` defines how many
        uploads should be made before closing a changeset and opening a new
        one (default: 1).

        The `session` parameter can be used to provide a custom requests
        http session object (requests.Session). This might be useful for
        OAuth authentication, custom adapters, hooks etc.

        Finally the `timeout` parameter is used by the http session to
        throw an expcetion if the the timeout (in seconds) has passed without
        an answer from the server.

        # Get username
        self._username = None
        if username:
            self._username = username
        elif passwordfile:
            with open(passwordfile) as f:
                pass_line = f.readline()
            self._username = pass_line.partition(":")[0].strip()

        # Get password
        self._password = None
        if password:
            self._password = password
        elif passwordfile:
            with open(passwordfile) as f:
                for line in f:
                    key, _, value = line.strip().partition(":")
                    if key == self._username:
                        self._password = value

        # Changest informations
        # auto create and close changesets
        self._changesetauto = changesetauto
        # tags for automatic created changesets
        self._changesetautotags = changesetautotags
        # change count for auto changeset
        self._changesetautosize = changesetautosize
        # change count for auto changeset
        self._changesetautosize = changesetautosize
        # close a changeset every # upload
        self._changesetautomulti = changesetautomulti
        self._changesetautocpt = 0
        # data to upload for auto group
        self._changesetautodata = []

        # Get API
        self._api = api.strip("/")

        # Get created_by
        if not appid:
            self._created_by = created_by
            self._created_by = f"{appid} ({created_by})"

        # Initialisation
        self._CurrentChangesetId = 0

        # Http connection
        self.http_session = session
        self._timeout = timeout
        auth = None
        if self._username and self._password:
            auth = (self._username, self._password)
        self._session = http.OsmApiSession(

    def __enter__(self):
        self._session = http.OsmApiSession(
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def close(self):
            if self._changesetauto:
        except errors.ResponseEmptyApiError:

        if self._session:

    # Capabilities                                   #

    def Capabilities(self):
        Returns the API capabilities as a dict:

                'area': {
                    'maximum': area in square degrees that can be queried,
                'changesets': {
                    'maximum_elements': number of elements per changeset,
                'status': {
                    'api': online|readonly|offline,
                    'database': online|readonly|offline,
                    'gpx': online|readonly|offline,
                'timeout': {
                    'seconds': timeout in seconds for API calls,
                'tracepoints': {
                    'per_page': maximum number of points in a GPX track,
                'version': {
                    'maximum': maximum version of API this server supports,
                    'minimum': minimum version of API this server supports,
                'waynodes': {
                    'maximum': maximum number of nodes that a way may contain,

        The capabilities can be used by a client to
        gain insights of the server in use.
        uri = "/api/capabilities"
        data = self._session._get(uri)

        data = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="api", single=True)
        result = {}
        for elem in data.childNodes:
            if elem.nodeType != elem.ELEMENT_NODE:
            result[elem.nodeName] = {}
            for k, v in elem.attributes.items():
                    result[elem.nodeName][k] = float(v)
                except Exception:
                    result[elem.nodeName][k] = v
        return result

    # Node                                           #

    def NodeGet(self, NodeId, NodeVersion=-1):
        Returns node with `NodeId` as a dict:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `NodeVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}"
        if NodeVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{NodeVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        data = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNode(data)

    def NodeCreate(self, NodeData):
        Creates a node based on the supplied `NodeData` dict:

                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "node", NodeData)

    def NodeUpdate(self, NodeData):
        Updates node with the supplied `NodeData` dict:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of node,

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "node", NodeData)

    def NodeDelete(self, NodeData):
        Delete node with `NodeData`:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'version': version number of node,

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "node", NodeData)

    def NodeHistory(self, NodeId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of NodeData,
                '2': dict of NodeData,

        `NodeId` is the unique identifier of a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        nodes = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node")
        result = {}
        for node in nodes:
            data = dom.DomParseNode(node)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

    def NodeWays(self, NodeId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `WayData` containing node `NodeId`:

                    'id': id of Way,
                    'nd': [] list of NodeIds in this way
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `NodeId` is a unique identifier for a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/ways"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
        return result

    def NodeRelations(self, NodeId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData` containing node `NodeId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {},
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `NodeId` is a unique identifier for a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

    def NodesGet(self, NodeIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the Node as a key
        for each node in `NodeIdList`:

                '1234': dict of NodeData,
                '5678': dict of NodeData,

        `NodeIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers
        for multiple nodes.
        node_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in NodeIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/nodes?nodes={node_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        nodes = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node")
        result = {}
        for node in nodes:
            data = dom.DomParseNode(node)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

    # Way                                            #

    def WayGet(self, WayId, WayVersion=-1):
        Returns way with `WayId` as a dict:

                'id': id of way,
                'tag': {} tags of this way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes belonging to this way
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `WayVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}"
        if WayVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{WayVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        way = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseWay(way)

    def WayCreate(self, WayData):
        Creates a way based on the supplied `WayData` dict:

                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "way", WayData)

    def WayUpdate(self, WayData):
        Updates way with the supplied `WayData` dict:

                'id': id of way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of way,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "way", WayData)

    def WayDelete(self, WayData):
        Delete way with `WayData`:

                'id': id of way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'version': version number of way,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "way", WayData)

    def WayHistory(self, WayId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of WayData,
                '2': dict of WayData,

        `WayId` is the unique identifier of a way.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way")
        result = {}
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

    def WayRelations(self, WayId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData` containing way `WayId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `WayId` is a unique identifier for a way.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

    def WayFull(self, WayId):
        Returns the full data for way `WayId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `WayId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/full"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

    def WaysGet(self, WayIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the way as a key for
        each way in `WayIdList`:

                '1234': dict of WayData,
                '5678': dict of WayData,

        `WayIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers for multiple ways.
        way_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in WayIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/ways?ways={way_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way")
        result = {}
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

    # Relation                                       #

    def RelationGet(self, RelationId, RelationVersion=-1):
        Returns relation with `RelationId` as a dict:

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `RelationVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}"
        if RelationVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{RelationVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relation = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseRelation(relation)

    def RelationCreate(self, RelationData):
        Creates a relation based on the supplied `RelationData` dict:

                'member': [] list of members,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "relation", RelationData)

    def RelationUpdate(self, RelationData):
        Updates relation with the supplied `RelationData` dict:

                'id': id of relation,
                'member': [] list of member dicts,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of relation,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "relation", RelationData)

    def RelationDelete(self, RelationData):
        Delete relation with `RelationData` dict:

                'id': id of relation,
                'member': [] list of member dicts,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of relation,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "relation", RelationData)

    def RelationHistory(self, RelationId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of RelationData,
                '2': dict of RelationData,

        `RelationId` is the unique identifier of a relation.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation")
        result = {}
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

    def RelationRelations(self, RelationId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData`
        containing relation `RelationId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a relation.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

    def RelationFullRecur(self, RelationId):
        Returns the full data (all levels) for relation
        `RelationId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        This function is useful for relations containing other relations.

        If you don't need all levels, use `OsmApi.RelationFull`
        instead, which return only 2 levels.

        If any relation (on any level) has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        data = []
        todo = [RelationId]
        done = []
        while todo:
            rid = todo.pop(0)
            temp = self.RelationFull(rid)
            for item in temp:
                if item["type"] != "relation":
                if item["data"]["id"] in done:
            data += temp
        return data

    def RelationFull(self, RelationId):
        Returns the full data (two levels) for relation
        `RelationId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        If you need all levels, use `OsmApi.RelationFullRecur`.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/full"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

    def RelationsGet(self, RelationIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the relation as a key
        for each relation in `RelationIdList`:

                '1234': dict of RelationData,
                '5678': dict of RelationData,

        `RelationIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers
        for multiple relations.
        relation_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in RelationIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relations?relations={relation_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation")
        result = {}
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

    # Changeset                                      #

    def Changeset(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Context manager for a Changeset.

        It opens a Changeset, uploads the changes and closes the changeset
        when used with the `with` statement:

            import osmapi

            with osmapi.Changeset({"comment": "Import script XYZ"}) as changeset_id:
                print(f"Part of changeset {changeset_id}")
                api.NodeCreate({"lon":1, "lat":1, "tag": {}})

        If `ChangesetTags` are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

        Returns `ChangesetId`

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        # Create a new changeset
        changeset_id = self.ChangesetCreate(ChangesetTags)
        yield changeset_id

        # upload data to changeset
        autosize = self._changesetautosize
        for i in range(0, len(self._changesetautodata), autosize):
            chunk = self._changesetautodata[i : i + autosize]
        self._changesetautodata = []

    def ChangesetGet(self, ChangesetId, include_discussion=False):
        Returns changeset with `ChangesetId` as a dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'discussion': [] list of comment dict (-> `include_discussion`)
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        `ChangesetId` is the unique identifier of a changeset.

        If `include_discussion` is set to `True` the changeset discussion
        will be available in the result.
        path = f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}"
        if include_discussion:
            path = f"{path}?include_discussion=true"
        data = self._session._get(path)
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset, include_discussion=include_discussion)

    def ChangesetUpdate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Updates current changeset with `ChangesetTags`.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError("No changeset currently opened")
        if "created_by" not in ChangesetTags:
            ChangesetTags["created_by"] = self._created_by
                xmlbuilder._XmlBuild("changeset", {"tag": ChangesetTags}, data=self),
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        return self._CurrentChangesetId

    def ChangesetCreate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Opens a changeset.

        If `ChangesetTags` are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

        Returns `ChangesetId`

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        if self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError("Changeset already opened")
        if "created_by" not in ChangesetTags:
            ChangesetTags["created_by"] = self._created_by

        # check if someone tries to create a test changeset to PROD
        if (
            self._api == "https://www.openstreetmap.org"
            and ChangesetTags.get("comment") == "My first test"
            raise errors.OsmApiError(
                "DO NOT CREATE test changesets on the production server"

        result = self._session._put(
            xmlbuilder._XmlBuild("changeset", {"tag": ChangesetTags}, data=self),
        self._CurrentChangesetId = int(result)
        return self._CurrentChangesetId

    def ChangesetClose(self):
        Closes current changeset.

        Returns `ChangesetId`.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError("No changeset currently opened")
            CurrentChangesetId = self._CurrentChangesetId
            self._CurrentChangesetId = 0
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        return CurrentChangesetId

    def ChangesetUpload(self, ChangesData):
        Upload data with the `ChangesData` list of dicts:

                type: node|way|relation,
                action: create|delete|modify,
                data: {}

        Returns list with updated ids.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        data = ""
        data += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
        data += '<osmChange version="0.6" generator="'
        data += self._created_by + '">\n'
        for change in ChangesData:
            data += "<" + change["action"] + ">\n"
            changeData = change["data"]
            data += self._add_changeset_data(changeData, change["type"])
            data += "</" + change["action"] + ">\n"
        data += "</osmChange>"
            data = self._session._post(
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
            data = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
            data = data.getElementsByTagName("diffResult")[0]
            data = [x for x in data.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE]
        except (xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, IndexError) as e:
            raise errors.XmlResponseInvalidError(
                f"The XML response from the OSM API is invalid: {e!r}"
            ) from e

        for change in ChangesData:
            if change["action"] == "delete":
                for changeElement in change["data"]:
                self._assign_id_and_version(data, change["data"])

        return ChangesData

    def ChangesetDownload(self, ChangesetId):
        Download data from changeset `ChangesetId`.

        Returns list of dict:

                'type': node|way|relation,
                'action': create|delete|modify,
                'data': {}
        uri = f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/download"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsc(data)

    def ChangesetsGet(  # noqa
        Returns a dict with the id of the changeset as key
        matching all criteria:

                '1234': dict of ChangesetData,
                '5678': dict of ChangesetData,

        All parameters are optional.

        uri = "/api/0.6/changesets"
        params = {}
        if min_lon or min_lat or max_lon or max_lat:
            params["bbox"] = f"{min_lon},{min_lat},{max_lon},{max_lat}"
        if userid:
            params["user"] = userid
        if username:
            params["display_name"] = username
        if closed_after and not created_before:
            params["time"] = closed_after
        if created_before:
            if not closed_after:
                closed_after = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            params["time"] = f"{closed_after},{created_before}"
        if only_open:
            params["open"] = 1
        if only_closed:
            params["closed"] = 1

        if params:
            uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)

        data = self._session._get(uri)
        changesets = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset")
        result = {}
        for curChangeset in changesets:
            tmpCS = dom.DomParseChangeset(curChangeset)
            result[tmpCS["id"]] = tmpCS
        return result

    def ChangesetComment(self, ChangesetId, comment):
        Adds a comment to the changeset `ChangesetId`

        `comment` should be a string.

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({"text": comment})
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/comment", params, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

    def ChangesetSubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
        Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset `ChangesetId`.

        The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/subscribe", None, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.AlreadySubscribedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

    def ChangesetUnsubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
        Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset `ChangesetId`.

        The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/unsubscribe", None, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ElementNotFoundApiError as e:
            raise errors.NotSubscribedApiError(e.status, e.reason, e.payload) from e

        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

    # Notes                                          #

    def NotesGet(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, limit=100, closed=7):
        Returns a list of dicts of notes in the specified bounding box:

                    'id': integer,
                    'action': opened|commented|closed,
                    'status': open|closed
                    'date_created': creation date
                    'date_closed': closing data|None
                    'uid': User ID|None
                    'user': User name|None
                    'comments': {}
                { ... }

        The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

        closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed
        to no longer be returned.
        The value 0 means only open bugs are returned,
        -1 means all bugs are returned.

        All parameters are optional.
        uri = (
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseNotes(data)

    def NoteGet(self, id):
        Returns a note as dict:

                'id': integer,
                'action': opened|commented|closed,
                'status': open|closed
                'date_created': creation date
                'date_closed': closing data|None
                'uid': User ID|None
                'user': User name|None
                'comments': {}

        `id` is the unique identifier of the note.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/notes/{id}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        noteElement = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="note", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNote(noteElement)

    def NoteCreate(self, NoteData):
        Creates a note based on the supplied `NoteData` dict:

                'lat': latitude of note,
                'lon': longitude of note,
                'text': text of the note,

        Returns updated `NoteData`:

                'id': id of note,
                'lat': latitude of note,
                'lon': longitude of note,
                'date_created': date when the note was created
                'date_closed': date when the note was closed or None if it's open,
                'status': status of the note (open or closed),
                'comments': [
                        'date': date of the comment,
                        'action': status of comment (opened, commented, closed),
                        'text': text of the note,
                        'html': html version of the text of the note,
                        'uid': user id of the user creating this note or None
                        'user': username of the user creating this note or None

        uri = "/api/0.6/notes"
        uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(NoteData)
        return self._NoteAction(uri)

    def NoteComment(self, NoteId, comment):
        Adds a new comment to a note.

        Returns the updated note.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/comment"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment)

    def NoteClose(self, NoteId, comment):
        Closes a note.

        Returns the updated note.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/close"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment, optionalAuth=False)

    def NoteReopen(self, NoteId, comment):
        Reopens a note.

        Returns the updated note.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/reopen"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment, optionalAuth=False)

    def NotesSearch(self, query, limit=100, closed=7):
        Returns a list of dicts of notes that match the given search query.

        The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

        closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed
        to no longer be returned.
        The value 0 means only open bugs are returned,
        -1 means all bugs are returned.
        uri = "/api/0.6/notes/search"
        params = {}
        params["q"] = query
        params["limit"] = limit
        params["closed"] = closed
        uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
        data = self._session._get(uri)

        return parser.ParseNotes(data)

    def _NoteAction(self, path, comment=None, optionalAuth=True):
        Performs an action on a Note with a comment

        Return the updated note
        uri = path
        if comment is not None:
            params = {}
            params["text"] = comment
            uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
            result = self._session._post(uri, None, optionalAuth=optionalAuth)
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.NoteAlreadyClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e

        # parse the result
        noteElement = dom.OsmResponseToDom(result, tag="note", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNote(noteElement)

    # Other                                          #

    def Map(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat):
        Download data in bounding box.

        Returns list of dict:

                type: node|way|relation,
                data: {}
        uri = f"/api/0.6/map?bbox={min_lon:f},{min_lat:f},{max_lon:f},{max_lat:f}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

    def flush(self):
        Force the changes to be uploaded to OSM and the changeset to be closed

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        return self._changesetautoflush(True)

    # Internal method                                #

    def _do(self, action, OsmType, OsmData):
        if self._changesetauto:
                {"action": action, "type": OsmType, "data": OsmData}
            return None
            return self._do_manu(action, OsmType, OsmData)

    def _do_manu(self, action, OsmType, OsmData):  # noqa
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError(
                "You need to open a changeset before uploading data"
        if "timestamp" in OsmData:
        OsmData["changeset"] = self._CurrentChangesetId
        if action == "create":
            if OsmData.get("id", -1) > 0:
                raise errors.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError(f"This {OsmType} already exists")
                result = self._session._put(
                    xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(OsmType, OsmData, data=self),
            except errors.ApiError as e:
                if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                    r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                    raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 409:
                    raise errors.VersionMismatchApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 412:
                    raise errors.PreconditionFailedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
            OsmData["id"] = int(result.strip())
            OsmData["version"] = 1
            return OsmData
        elif action == "modify":
                result = self._session._put(
                    xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(OsmType, OsmData, data=self),
            except errors.ApiError as e:
                if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                    r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                    raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 409:
                    raise errors.VersionMismatchApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 412:
                    raise errors.PreconditionFailedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
            OsmData["version"] = int(result.strip())
            return OsmData
        elif action == "delete":
                result = self._session._delete(
                    xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(OsmType, OsmData, data=self),
            except errors.ApiError as e:
                if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                    r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                    raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 409:
                    raise errors.VersionMismatchApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 412:
                    raise errors.PreconditionFailedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
            OsmData["version"] = int(result.strip())
            OsmData["visible"] = False
            return OsmData

    def _changesetautoflush(self, force=False):
        autosize = self._changesetautosize
        while (len(self._changesetautodata) >= autosize) or (
            force and self._changesetautodata
            if self._changesetautocpt == 0:
            self._changesetautodata = self._changesetautodata[autosize:]
            self._changesetautocpt += 1
            if self._changesetautocpt == self._changesetautomulti:
                self._changesetautocpt = 0
        if self._changesetautocpt and force:
            self._changesetautocpt = 0
        return None

    def _add_changeset_data(self, changeData, type):
        data = ""
        for changedElement in changeData:
            changedElement["changeset"] = self._CurrentChangesetId
            data += xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(type, changedElement, False, data=self).decode(
        return data

    def _assign_id_and_version(self, ResponseData, RequestData):
        for response, element in zip(ResponseData, RequestData):
            element["id"] = int(response.getAttribute("new_id"))
            element["version"] = int(response.getAttribute("new_version"))
#   class OsmApi:
View Source
class OsmApi:
    Main class of osmapi, instanciate this class to use osmapi

    def __init__(
        Initialized the OsmApi object.

        There are two different ways to authenticate a user.
        Either `username` and `password` are supplied directly or the path
        to a `passwordfile` is given, where on the first line username
        and password must be colon-separated (<user>:<pass>).

        To credit the application that supplies changes to OSM, an `appid`
        can be provided.  This is a string identifying the application.
        If this is omitted "osmapi" is used.

        It is possible to configure the URL to connect to using the `api`
        parameter.  By default this is the SSL version of the production API
        of OpenStreetMap, for testing purposes, one might prefer the official
        test instance at "api06.dev.openstreetmap.org" or any other valid
        OSM-API. To use an encrypted connection (HTTPS) simply add 'https://'
        in front of the hostname of the `api` parameter (e.g.

        There are several options to control the changeset behaviour. By
        default, a programmer has to take care to open and close a changeset
        prior to make changes to OSM.
        By setting `changesetauto` to `True`, osmapi automatically opens
        The `changesetautotags` parameter takes a `dict`, where each key/value
        pair is applied as tags to the changeset.
        The option `changesetautosize` defines the size of each
        upload (default: 500) and `changesetautomulti` defines how many
        uploads should be made before closing a changeset and opening a new
        one (default: 1).

        The `session` parameter can be used to provide a custom requests
        http session object (requests.Session). This might be useful for
        OAuth authentication, custom adapters, hooks etc.

        Finally the `timeout` parameter is used by the http session to
        throw an expcetion if the the timeout (in seconds) has passed without
        an answer from the server.

        # Get username
        self._username = None
        if username:
            self._username = username
        elif passwordfile:
            with open(passwordfile) as f:
                pass_line = f.readline()
            self._username = pass_line.partition(":")[0].strip()

        # Get password
        self._password = None
        if password:
            self._password = password
        elif passwordfile:
            with open(passwordfile) as f:
                for line in f:
                    key, _, value = line.strip().partition(":")
                    if key == self._username:
                        self._password = value

        # Changest informations
        # auto create and close changesets
        self._changesetauto = changesetauto
        # tags for automatic created changesets
        self._changesetautotags = changesetautotags
        # change count for auto changeset
        self._changesetautosize = changesetautosize
        # change count for auto changeset
        self._changesetautosize = changesetautosize
        # close a changeset every # upload
        self._changesetautomulti = changesetautomulti
        self._changesetautocpt = 0
        # data to upload for auto group
        self._changesetautodata = []

        # Get API
        self._api = api.strip("/")

        # Get created_by
        if not appid:
            self._created_by = created_by
            self._created_by = f"{appid} ({created_by})"

        # Initialisation
        self._CurrentChangesetId = 0

        # Http connection
        self.http_session = session
        self._timeout = timeout
        auth = None
        if self._username and self._password:
            auth = (self._username, self._password)
        self._session = http.OsmApiSession(

    def __enter__(self):
        self._session = http.OsmApiSession(
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def close(self):
            if self._changesetauto:
        except errors.ResponseEmptyApiError:

        if self._session:

    # Capabilities                                   #

    def Capabilities(self):
        Returns the API capabilities as a dict:

                'area': {
                    'maximum': area in square degrees that can be queried,
                'changesets': {
                    'maximum_elements': number of elements per changeset,
                'status': {
                    'api': online|readonly|offline,
                    'database': online|readonly|offline,
                    'gpx': online|readonly|offline,
                'timeout': {
                    'seconds': timeout in seconds for API calls,
                'tracepoints': {
                    'per_page': maximum number of points in a GPX track,
                'version': {
                    'maximum': maximum version of API this server supports,
                    'minimum': minimum version of API this server supports,
                'waynodes': {
                    'maximum': maximum number of nodes that a way may contain,

        The capabilities can be used by a client to
        gain insights of the server in use.
        uri = "/api/capabilities"
        data = self._session._get(uri)

        data = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="api", single=True)
        result = {}
        for elem in data.childNodes:
            if elem.nodeType != elem.ELEMENT_NODE:
            result[elem.nodeName] = {}
            for k, v in elem.attributes.items():
                    result[elem.nodeName][k] = float(v)
                except Exception:
                    result[elem.nodeName][k] = v
        return result

    # Node                                           #

    def NodeGet(self, NodeId, NodeVersion=-1):
        Returns node with `NodeId` as a dict:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `NodeVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}"
        if NodeVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{NodeVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        data = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNode(data)

    def NodeCreate(self, NodeData):
        Creates a node based on the supplied `NodeData` dict:

                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "node", NodeData)

    def NodeUpdate(self, NodeData):
        Updates node with the supplied `NodeData` dict:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of node,

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "node", NodeData)

    def NodeDelete(self, NodeData):
        Delete node with `NodeData`:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'version': version number of node,

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "node", NodeData)

    def NodeHistory(self, NodeId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of NodeData,
                '2': dict of NodeData,

        `NodeId` is the unique identifier of a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        nodes = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node")
        result = {}
        for node in nodes:
            data = dom.DomParseNode(node)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

    def NodeWays(self, NodeId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `WayData` containing node `NodeId`:

                    'id': id of Way,
                    'nd': [] list of NodeIds in this way
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `NodeId` is a unique identifier for a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/ways"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
        return result

    def NodeRelations(self, NodeId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData` containing node `NodeId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {},
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `NodeId` is a unique identifier for a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

    def NodesGet(self, NodeIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the Node as a key
        for each node in `NodeIdList`:

                '1234': dict of NodeData,
                '5678': dict of NodeData,

        `NodeIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers
        for multiple nodes.
        node_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in NodeIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/nodes?nodes={node_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        nodes = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node")
        result = {}
        for node in nodes:
            data = dom.DomParseNode(node)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

    # Way                                            #

    def WayGet(self, WayId, WayVersion=-1):
        Returns way with `WayId` as a dict:

                'id': id of way,
                'tag': {} tags of this way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes belonging to this way
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `WayVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}"
        if WayVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{WayVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        way = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseWay(way)

    def WayCreate(self, WayData):
        Creates a way based on the supplied `WayData` dict:

                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "way", WayData)

    def WayUpdate(self, WayData):
        Updates way with the supplied `WayData` dict:

                'id': id of way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of way,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "way", WayData)

    def WayDelete(self, WayData):
        Delete way with `WayData`:

                'id': id of way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'version': version number of way,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "way", WayData)

    def WayHistory(self, WayId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of WayData,
                '2': dict of WayData,

        `WayId` is the unique identifier of a way.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way")
        result = {}
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

    def WayRelations(self, WayId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData` containing way `WayId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `WayId` is a unique identifier for a way.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

    def WayFull(self, WayId):
        Returns the full data for way `WayId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `WayId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/full"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

    def WaysGet(self, WayIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the way as a key for
        each way in `WayIdList`:

                '1234': dict of WayData,
                '5678': dict of WayData,

        `WayIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers for multiple ways.
        way_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in WayIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/ways?ways={way_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way")
        result = {}
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

    # Relation                                       #

    def RelationGet(self, RelationId, RelationVersion=-1):
        Returns relation with `RelationId` as a dict:

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `RelationVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}"
        if RelationVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{RelationVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relation = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseRelation(relation)

    def RelationCreate(self, RelationData):
        Creates a relation based on the supplied `RelationData` dict:

                'member': [] list of members,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "relation", RelationData)

    def RelationUpdate(self, RelationData):
        Updates relation with the supplied `RelationData` dict:

                'id': id of relation,
                'member': [] list of member dicts,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of relation,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "relation", RelationData)

    def RelationDelete(self, RelationData):
        Delete relation with `RelationData` dict:

                'id': id of relation,
                'member': [] list of member dicts,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of relation,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "relation", RelationData)

    def RelationHistory(self, RelationId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of RelationData,
                '2': dict of RelationData,

        `RelationId` is the unique identifier of a relation.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation")
        result = {}
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

    def RelationRelations(self, RelationId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData`
        containing relation `RelationId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a relation.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

    def RelationFullRecur(self, RelationId):
        Returns the full data (all levels) for relation
        `RelationId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        This function is useful for relations containing other relations.

        If you don't need all levels, use `OsmApi.RelationFull`
        instead, which return only 2 levels.

        If any relation (on any level) has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        data = []
        todo = [RelationId]
        done = []
        while todo:
            rid = todo.pop(0)
            temp = self.RelationFull(rid)
            for item in temp:
                if item["type"] != "relation":
                if item["data"]["id"] in done:
            data += temp
        return data

    def RelationFull(self, RelationId):
        Returns the full data (two levels) for relation
        `RelationId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        If you need all levels, use `OsmApi.RelationFullRecur`.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/full"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

    def RelationsGet(self, RelationIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the relation as a key
        for each relation in `RelationIdList`:

                '1234': dict of RelationData,
                '5678': dict of RelationData,

        `RelationIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers
        for multiple relations.
        relation_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in RelationIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relations?relations={relation_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation")
        result = {}
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

    # Changeset                                      #

    def Changeset(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Context manager for a Changeset.

        It opens a Changeset, uploads the changes and closes the changeset
        when used with the `with` statement:

            import osmapi

            with osmapi.Changeset({"comment": "Import script XYZ"}) as changeset_id:
                print(f"Part of changeset {changeset_id}")
                api.NodeCreate({"lon":1, "lat":1, "tag": {}})

        If `ChangesetTags` are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

        Returns `ChangesetId`

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        # Create a new changeset
        changeset_id = self.ChangesetCreate(ChangesetTags)
        yield changeset_id

        # upload data to changeset
        autosize = self._changesetautosize
        for i in range(0, len(self._changesetautodata), autosize):
            chunk = self._changesetautodata[i : i + autosize]
        self._changesetautodata = []

    def ChangesetGet(self, ChangesetId, include_discussion=False):
        Returns changeset with `ChangesetId` as a dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'discussion': [] list of comment dict (-> `include_discussion`)
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        `ChangesetId` is the unique identifier of a changeset.

        If `include_discussion` is set to `True` the changeset discussion
        will be available in the result.
        path = f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}"
        if include_discussion:
            path = f"{path}?include_discussion=true"
        data = self._session._get(path)
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset, include_discussion=include_discussion)

    def ChangesetUpdate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Updates current changeset with `ChangesetTags`.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError("No changeset currently opened")
        if "created_by" not in ChangesetTags:
            ChangesetTags["created_by"] = self._created_by
                xmlbuilder._XmlBuild("changeset", {"tag": ChangesetTags}, data=self),
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        return self._CurrentChangesetId

    def ChangesetCreate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Opens a changeset.

        If `ChangesetTags` are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

        Returns `ChangesetId`

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        if self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError("Changeset already opened")
        if "created_by" not in ChangesetTags:
            ChangesetTags["created_by"] = self._created_by

        # check if someone tries to create a test changeset to PROD
        if (
            self._api == "https://www.openstreetmap.org"
            and ChangesetTags.get("comment") == "My first test"
            raise errors.OsmApiError(
                "DO NOT CREATE test changesets on the production server"

        result = self._session._put(
            xmlbuilder._XmlBuild("changeset", {"tag": ChangesetTags}, data=self),
        self._CurrentChangesetId = int(result)
        return self._CurrentChangesetId

    def ChangesetClose(self):
        Closes current changeset.

        Returns `ChangesetId`.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError("No changeset currently opened")
            CurrentChangesetId = self._CurrentChangesetId
            self._CurrentChangesetId = 0
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        return CurrentChangesetId

    def ChangesetUpload(self, ChangesData):
        Upload data with the `ChangesData` list of dicts:

                type: node|way|relation,
                action: create|delete|modify,
                data: {}

        Returns list with updated ids.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        data = ""
        data += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
        data += '<osmChange version="0.6" generator="'
        data += self._created_by + '">\n'
        for change in ChangesData:
            data += "<" + change["action"] + ">\n"
            changeData = change["data"]
            data += self._add_changeset_data(changeData, change["type"])
            data += "</" + change["action"] + ">\n"
        data += "</osmChange>"
            data = self._session._post(
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
            data = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
            data = data.getElementsByTagName("diffResult")[0]
            data = [x for x in data.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE]
        except (xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, IndexError) as e:
            raise errors.XmlResponseInvalidError(
                f"The XML response from the OSM API is invalid: {e!r}"
            ) from e

        for change in ChangesData:
            if change["action"] == "delete":
                for changeElement in change["data"]:
                self._assign_id_and_version(data, change["data"])

        return ChangesData

    def ChangesetDownload(self, ChangesetId):
        Download data from changeset `ChangesetId`.

        Returns list of dict:

                'type': node|way|relation,
                'action': create|delete|modify,
                'data': {}
        uri = f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/download"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsc(data)

    def ChangesetsGet(  # noqa
        Returns a dict with the id of the changeset as key
        matching all criteria:

                '1234': dict of ChangesetData,
                '5678': dict of ChangesetData,

        All parameters are optional.

        uri = "/api/0.6/changesets"
        params = {}
        if min_lon or min_lat or max_lon or max_lat:
            params["bbox"] = f"{min_lon},{min_lat},{max_lon},{max_lat}"
        if userid:
            params["user"] = userid
        if username:
            params["display_name"] = username
        if closed_after and not created_before:
            params["time"] = closed_after
        if created_before:
            if not closed_after:
                closed_after = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            params["time"] = f"{closed_after},{created_before}"
        if only_open:
            params["open"] = 1
        if only_closed:
            params["closed"] = 1

        if params:
            uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)

        data = self._session._get(uri)
        changesets = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset")
        result = {}
        for curChangeset in changesets:
            tmpCS = dom.DomParseChangeset(curChangeset)
            result[tmpCS["id"]] = tmpCS
        return result

    def ChangesetComment(self, ChangesetId, comment):
        Adds a comment to the changeset `ChangesetId`

        `comment` should be a string.

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({"text": comment})
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/comment", params, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

    def ChangesetSubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
        Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset `ChangesetId`.

        The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/subscribe", None, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.AlreadySubscribedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

    def ChangesetUnsubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
        Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset `ChangesetId`.

        The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/unsubscribe", None, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ElementNotFoundApiError as e:
            raise errors.NotSubscribedApiError(e.status, e.reason, e.payload) from e

        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

    # Notes                                          #

    def NotesGet(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, limit=100, closed=7):
        Returns a list of dicts of notes in the specified bounding box:

                    'id': integer,
                    'action': opened|commented|closed,
                    'status': open|closed
                    'date_created': creation date
                    'date_closed': closing data|None
                    'uid': User ID|None
                    'user': User name|None
                    'comments': {}
                { ... }

        The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

        closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed
        to no longer be returned.
        The value 0 means only open bugs are returned,
        -1 means all bugs are returned.

        All parameters are optional.
        uri = (
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseNotes(data)

    def NoteGet(self, id):
        Returns a note as dict:

                'id': integer,
                'action': opened|commented|closed,
                'status': open|closed
                'date_created': creation date
                'date_closed': closing data|None
                'uid': User ID|None
                'user': User name|None
                'comments': {}

        `id` is the unique identifier of the note.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/notes/{id}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        noteElement = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="note", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNote(noteElement)

    def NoteCreate(self, NoteData):
        Creates a note based on the supplied `NoteData` dict:

                'lat': latitude of note,
                'lon': longitude of note,
                'text': text of the note,

        Returns updated `NoteData`:

                'id': id of note,
                'lat': latitude of note,
                'lon': longitude of note,
                'date_created': date when the note was created
                'date_closed': date when the note was closed or None if it's open,
                'status': status of the note (open or closed),
                'comments': [
                        'date': date of the comment,
                        'action': status of comment (opened, commented, closed),
                        'text': text of the note,
                        'html': html version of the text of the note,
                        'uid': user id of the user creating this note or None
                        'user': username of the user creating this note or None

        uri = "/api/0.6/notes"
        uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(NoteData)
        return self._NoteAction(uri)

    def NoteComment(self, NoteId, comment):
        Adds a new comment to a note.

        Returns the updated note.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/comment"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment)

    def NoteClose(self, NoteId, comment):
        Closes a note.

        Returns the updated note.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/close"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment, optionalAuth=False)

    def NoteReopen(self, NoteId, comment):
        Reopens a note.

        Returns the updated note.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/reopen"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment, optionalAuth=False)

    def NotesSearch(self, query, limit=100, closed=7):
        Returns a list of dicts of notes that match the given search query.

        The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

        closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed
        to no longer be returned.
        The value 0 means only open bugs are returned,
        -1 means all bugs are returned.
        uri = "/api/0.6/notes/search"
        params = {}
        params["q"] = query
        params["limit"] = limit
        params["closed"] = closed
        uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
        data = self._session._get(uri)

        return parser.ParseNotes(data)

    def _NoteAction(self, path, comment=None, optionalAuth=True):
        Performs an action on a Note with a comment

        Return the updated note
        uri = path
        if comment is not None:
            params = {}
            params["text"] = comment
            uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
            result = self._session._post(uri, None, optionalAuth=optionalAuth)
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.NoteAlreadyClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e

        # parse the result
        noteElement = dom.OsmResponseToDom(result, tag="note", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNote(noteElement)

    # Other                                          #

    def Map(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat):
        Download data in bounding box.

        Returns list of dict:

                type: node|way|relation,
                data: {}
        uri = f"/api/0.6/map?bbox={min_lon:f},{min_lat:f},{max_lon:f},{max_lat:f}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

    def flush(self):
        Force the changes to be uploaded to OSM and the changeset to be closed

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        return self._changesetautoflush(True)

    # Internal method                                #

    def _do(self, action, OsmType, OsmData):
        if self._changesetauto:
                {"action": action, "type": OsmType, "data": OsmData}
            return None
            return self._do_manu(action, OsmType, OsmData)

    def _do_manu(self, action, OsmType, OsmData):  # noqa
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError(
                "You need to open a changeset before uploading data"
        if "timestamp" in OsmData:
        OsmData["changeset"] = self._CurrentChangesetId
        if action == "create":
            if OsmData.get("id", -1) > 0:
                raise errors.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError(f"This {OsmType} already exists")
                result = self._session._put(
                    xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(OsmType, OsmData, data=self),
            except errors.ApiError as e:
                if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                    r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                    raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 409:
                    raise errors.VersionMismatchApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 412:
                    raise errors.PreconditionFailedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
            OsmData["id"] = int(result.strip())
            OsmData["version"] = 1
            return OsmData
        elif action == "modify":
                result = self._session._put(
                    xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(OsmType, OsmData, data=self),
            except errors.ApiError as e:
                if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                    r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                    raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 409:
                    raise errors.VersionMismatchApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 412:
                    raise errors.PreconditionFailedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
            OsmData["version"] = int(result.strip())
            return OsmData
        elif action == "delete":
                result = self._session._delete(
                    xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(OsmType, OsmData, data=self),
            except errors.ApiError as e:
                if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                    r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                    raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 409:
                    raise errors.VersionMismatchApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
                elif e.status == 412:
                    raise errors.PreconditionFailedApiError(
                        e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                    ) from e
            OsmData["version"] = int(result.strip())
            OsmData["visible"] = False
            return OsmData

    def _changesetautoflush(self, force=False):
        autosize = self._changesetautosize
        while (len(self._changesetautodata) >= autosize) or (
            force and self._changesetautodata
            if self._changesetautocpt == 0:
            self._changesetautodata = self._changesetautodata[autosize:]
            self._changesetautocpt += 1
            if self._changesetautocpt == self._changesetautomulti:
                self._changesetautocpt = 0
        if self._changesetautocpt and force:
            self._changesetautocpt = 0
        return None

    def _add_changeset_data(self, changeData, type):
        data = ""
        for changedElement in changeData:
            changedElement["changeset"] = self._CurrentChangesetId
            data += xmlbuilder._XmlBuild(type, changedElement, False, data=self).decode(
        return data

    def _assign_id_and_version(self, ResponseData, RequestData):
        for response, element in zip(ResponseData, RequestData):
            element["id"] = int(response.getAttribute("new_id"))
            element["version"] = int(response.getAttribute("new_version"))

Main class of osmapi, instanciate this class to use osmapi

#   OsmApi( username=None, password=None, passwordfile=None, appid='', created_by='osmapi/4.3.0', api='https://www.openstreetmap.org', changesetauto=False, changesetautotags={}, changesetautosize=500, changesetautomulti=1, session=None, timeout=30 )
View Source
    def __init__(
        Initialized the OsmApi object.

        There are two different ways to authenticate a user.
        Either `username` and `password` are supplied directly or the path
        to a `passwordfile` is given, where on the first line username
        and password must be colon-separated (<user>:<pass>).

        To credit the application that supplies changes to OSM, an `appid`
        can be provided.  This is a string identifying the application.
        If this is omitted "osmapi" is used.

        It is possible to configure the URL to connect to using the `api`
        parameter.  By default this is the SSL version of the production API
        of OpenStreetMap, for testing purposes, one might prefer the official
        test instance at "api06.dev.openstreetmap.org" or any other valid
        OSM-API. To use an encrypted connection (HTTPS) simply add 'https://'
        in front of the hostname of the `api` parameter (e.g.

        There are several options to control the changeset behaviour. By
        default, a programmer has to take care to open and close a changeset
        prior to make changes to OSM.
        By setting `changesetauto` to `True`, osmapi automatically opens
        The `changesetautotags` parameter takes a `dict`, where each key/value
        pair is applied as tags to the changeset.
        The option `changesetautosize` defines the size of each
        upload (default: 500) and `changesetautomulti` defines how many
        uploads should be made before closing a changeset and opening a new
        one (default: 1).

        The `session` parameter can be used to provide a custom requests
        http session object (requests.Session). This might be useful for
        OAuth authentication, custom adapters, hooks etc.

        Finally the `timeout` parameter is used by the http session to
        throw an expcetion if the the timeout (in seconds) has passed without
        an answer from the server.

        # Get username
        self._username = None
        if username:
            self._username = username
        elif passwordfile:
            with open(passwordfile) as f:
                pass_line = f.readline()
            self._username = pass_line.partition(":")[0].strip()

        # Get password
        self._password = None
        if password:
            self._password = password
        elif passwordfile:
            with open(passwordfile) as f:
                for line in f:
                    key, _, value = line.strip().partition(":")
                    if key == self._username:
                        self._password = value

        # Changest informations
        # auto create and close changesets
        self._changesetauto = changesetauto
        # tags for automatic created changesets
        self._changesetautotags = changesetautotags
        # change count for auto changeset
        self._changesetautosize = changesetautosize
        # change count for auto changeset
        self._changesetautosize = changesetautosize
        # close a changeset every # upload
        self._changesetautomulti = changesetautomulti
        self._changesetautocpt = 0
        # data to upload for auto group
        self._changesetautodata = []

        # Get API
        self._api = api.strip("/")

        # Get created_by
        if not appid:
            self._created_by = created_by
            self._created_by = f"{appid} ({created_by})"

        # Initialisation
        self._CurrentChangesetId = 0

        # Http connection
        self.http_session = session
        self._timeout = timeout
        auth = None
        if self._username and self._password:
            auth = (self._username, self._password)
        self._session = http.OsmApiSession(

Initialized the OsmApi object.

There are two different ways to authenticate a user. Either username and password are supplied directly or the path to a passwordfile is given, where on the first line username and password must be colon-separated (:).

To credit the application that supplies changes to OSM, an appid can be provided. This is a string identifying the application. If this is omitted "osmapi" is used.

It is possible to configure the URL to connect to using the api parameter. By default this is the SSL version of the production API of OpenStreetMap, for testing purposes, one might prefer the official test instance at "api06.dev.openstreetmap.org" or any other valid OSM-API. To use an encrypted connection (HTTPS) simply add 'https://' in front of the hostname of the api parameter (e.g. https://api.openstreetmap.com).

There are several options to control the changeset behaviour. By default, a programmer has to take care to open and close a changeset prior to make changes to OSM. By setting changesetauto to True, osmapi automatically opens changesets. The changesetautotags parameter takes a dict, where each key/value pair is applied as tags to the changeset. The option changesetautosize defines the size of each upload (default: 500) and changesetautomulti defines how many uploads should be made before closing a changeset and opening a new one (default: 1).

The session parameter can be used to provide a custom requests http session object (requests.Session). This might be useful for OAuth authentication, custom adapters, hooks etc.

Finally the timeout parameter is used by the http session to throw an expcetion if the the timeout (in seconds) has passed without an answer from the server.

#   def close(self):
View Source
    def close(self):
            if self._changesetauto:
        except errors.ResponseEmptyApiError:

        if self._session:
#   def Capabilities(self):
View Source
    def Capabilities(self):
        Returns the API capabilities as a dict:

                'area': {
                    'maximum': area in square degrees that can be queried,
                'changesets': {
                    'maximum_elements': number of elements per changeset,
                'status': {
                    'api': online|readonly|offline,
                    'database': online|readonly|offline,
                    'gpx': online|readonly|offline,
                'timeout': {
                    'seconds': timeout in seconds for API calls,
                'tracepoints': {
                    'per_page': maximum number of points in a GPX track,
                'version': {
                    'maximum': maximum version of API this server supports,
                    'minimum': minimum version of API this server supports,
                'waynodes': {
                    'maximum': maximum number of nodes that a way may contain,

        The capabilities can be used by a client to
        gain insights of the server in use.
        uri = "/api/capabilities"
        data = self._session._get(uri)

        data = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="api", single=True)
        result = {}
        for elem in data.childNodes:
            if elem.nodeType != elem.ELEMENT_NODE:
            result[elem.nodeName] = {}
            for k, v in elem.attributes.items():
                    result[elem.nodeName][k] = float(v)
                except Exception:
                    result[elem.nodeName][k] = v
        return result

Returns the API capabilities as a dict:

    'area': {
        'maximum': area in square degrees that can be queried,
    'changesets': {
        'maximum_elements': number of elements per changeset,
    'status': {
        'api': online|readonly|offline,
        'database': online|readonly|offline,
        'gpx': online|readonly|offline,
    'timeout': {
        'seconds': timeout in seconds for API calls,
    'tracepoints': {
        'per_page': maximum number of points in a GPX track,
    'version': {
        'maximum': maximum version of API this server supports,
        'minimum': minimum version of API this server supports,
    'waynodes': {
        'maximum': maximum number of nodes that a way may contain,

The capabilities can be used by a client to gain insights of the server in use.

#   def NodeGet(self, NodeId, NodeVersion=-1):
View Source
    def NodeGet(self, NodeId, NodeVersion=-1):
        Returns node with `NodeId` as a dict:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `NodeVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}"
        if NodeVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{NodeVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        data = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNode(data)

Returns node with NodeId as a dict:

    'id': id of node,
    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': {},
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of node,
    'user': username of user that made the last change,
    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
    'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If NodeVersion is supplied, this specific version is returned, otherwise the latest version is returned.

If the requested element has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def NodeCreate(self, NodeData):
View Source
    def NodeCreate(self, NodeData):
        Creates a node based on the supplied `NodeData` dict:

                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "node", NodeData)

Creates a node based on the supplied NodeData dict:

    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': {},

Returns updated NodeData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of node,
    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of node,
    'user': username of last change,
    'uid': id of user of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If the supplied information contain an existing node, OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def NodeUpdate(self, NodeData):
View Source
    def NodeUpdate(self, NodeData):
        Updates node with the supplied `NodeData` dict:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of node,

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "node", NodeData)

Updates node with the supplied NodeData dict:

    'id': id of node,
    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': {},
    'version': version number of node,

Returns updated NodeData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of node,
    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of node,
    'user': username of last change,
    'uid': id of user of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def NodeDelete(self, NodeData):
View Source
    def NodeDelete(self, NodeData):
        Delete node with `NodeData`:

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'version': version number of node,

        Returns updated `NodeData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'lat': latitude of node,
                'lon': longitude of node,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of node,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "node", NodeData)

Delete node with NodeData:

    'id': id of node,
    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': dict of tags,
    'version': version number of node,

Returns updated NodeData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of node,
    'lat': latitude of node,
    'lon': longitude of node,
    'tag': dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of node,
    'user': username of last change,
    'uid': id of user of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

If the requested element has already been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def NodeHistory(self, NodeId):
View Source
    def NodeHistory(self, NodeId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of NodeData,
                '2': dict of NodeData,

        `NodeId` is the unique identifier of a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        nodes = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node")
        result = {}
        for node in nodes:
            data = dom.DomParseNode(node)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

Returns dict with version as key:

    '1': dict of NodeData,
    '2': dict of NodeData,

NodeId is the unique identifier of a node.

#   def NodeWays(self, NodeId):
View Source
    def NodeWays(self, NodeId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `WayData` containing node `NodeId`:

                    'id': id of Way,
                    'nd': [] list of NodeIds in this way
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `NodeId` is a unique identifier for a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/ways"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
        return result

Returns a list of dicts of WayData containing node NodeId:

        'id': id of Way,
        'nd': [] list of NodeIds in this way
        'tag': {} dict of tags,
        'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
        'version': version number of Way,
        'user': username of user that made the last change,
        'uid': id of user that made the last change,
        'visible': True|False

The NodeId is a unique identifier for a node.

#   def NodeRelations(self, NodeId):
View Source
    def NodeRelations(self, NodeId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData` containing node `NodeId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {},
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `NodeId` is a unique identifier for a node.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/node/{NodeId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

Returns a list of dicts of RelationData containing node NodeId:

        'id': id of Relation,
        'member': [
                'ref': ID of referenced element,
                'role': optional description of role in relation
                'type': node|way|relation
        'tag': {},
        'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
        'version': version number of Way,
        'user': username of user that made the last change,
        'uid': id of user that made the last change,
        'visible': True|False

The NodeId is a unique identifier for a node.

#   def NodesGet(self, NodeIdList):
View Source
    def NodesGet(self, NodeIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the Node as a key
        for each node in `NodeIdList`:

                '1234': dict of NodeData,
                '5678': dict of NodeData,

        `NodeIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers
        for multiple nodes.
        node_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in NodeIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/nodes?nodes={node_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        nodes = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="node")
        result = {}
        for node in nodes:
            data = dom.DomParseNode(node)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

Returns dict with the id of the Node as a key for each node in NodeIdList:

    '1234': dict of NodeData,
    '5678': dict of NodeData,

NodeIdList is a list containing unique identifiers for multiple nodes.

#   def WayGet(self, WayId, WayVersion=-1):
View Source
    def WayGet(self, WayId, WayVersion=-1):
        Returns way with `WayId` as a dict:

                'id': id of way,
                'tag': {} tags of this way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes belonging to this way
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `WayVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}"
        if WayVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{WayVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        way = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseWay(way)

Returns way with WayId as a dict:

    'id': id of way,
    'tag': {} tags of this way,
    'nd': [] list of nodes belonging to this way
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of way,
    'user': username of user that made the last change,
    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
    'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If WayVersion is supplied, this specific version is returned, otherwise the latest version is returned.

If the requested element has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def WayCreate(self, WayData):
View Source
    def WayCreate(self, WayData):
        Creates a way based on the supplied `WayData` dict:

                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "way", WayData)

Creates a way based on the supplied WayData dict:

    'nd': [] list of nodes,
    'tag': {} dict of tags,

Returns updated WayData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of node,
    'nd': [] list of nodes,
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of way,
    'user': username of last change,
    'uid': id of user of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If the supplied information contain an existing node, OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def WayUpdate(self, WayData):
View Source
    def WayUpdate(self, WayData):
        Updates way with the supplied `WayData` dict:

                'id': id of way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of way,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "way", WayData)

Updates way with the supplied WayData dict:

    'id': id of way,
    'nd': [] list of nodes,
    'tag': {},
    'version': version number of way,

Returns updated WayData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of node,
    'nd': [] list of nodes,
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of way,
    'user': username of last change,
    'uid': id of user of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def WayDelete(self, WayData):
View Source
    def WayDelete(self, WayData):
        Delete way with `WayData`:

                'id': id of way,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': dict of tags,
                'version': version number of way,

        Returns updated `WayData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of node,
                'nd': [] list of nodes,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of way,
                'user': username of last change,
                'uid': id of user of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "way", WayData)

Delete way with WayData:

    'id': id of way,
    'nd': [] list of nodes,
    'tag': dict of tags,
    'version': version number of way,

Returns updated WayData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of node,
    'nd': [] list of nodes,
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of way,
    'user': username of last change,
    'uid': id of user of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

If the requested element has already been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def WayHistory(self, WayId):
View Source
    def WayHistory(self, WayId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of WayData,
                '2': dict of WayData,

        `WayId` is the unique identifier of a way.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way")
        result = {}
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

Returns dict with version as key:

    '1': dict of WayData,
    '2': dict of WayData,

WayId is the unique identifier of a way.

#   def WayRelations(self, WayId):
View Source
    def WayRelations(self, WayId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData` containing way `WayId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `WayId` is a unique identifier for a way.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

Returns a list of dicts of RelationData containing way WayId:

        'id': id of Relation,
        'member': [
                'ref': ID of referenced element,
                'role': optional description of role in relation
                'type': node|way|relation
        'tag': {} dict of tags,
        'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
        'version': version number of Way,
        'user': username of user that made the last change,
        'uid': id of user that made the last change,
        'visible': True|False

The WayId is a unique identifier for a way.

#   def WayFull(self, WayId):
View Source
    def WayFull(self, WayId):
        Returns the full data for way `WayId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `WayId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/way/{WayId}/full"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

Returns the full data for way WayId as list of dicts:

        'type': node|way|relation,
        'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
    { ... }

The WayId is a unique identifier for a way.

If the requested element has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def WaysGet(self, WayIdList):
View Source
    def WaysGet(self, WayIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the way as a key for
        each way in `WayIdList`:

                '1234': dict of WayData,
                '5678': dict of WayData,

        `WayIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers for multiple ways.
        way_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in WayIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/ways?ways={way_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        ways = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="way")
        result = {}
        for way in ways:
            data = dom.DomParseWay(way)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

Returns dict with the id of the way as a key for each way in WayIdList:

    '1234': dict of WayData,
    '5678': dict of WayData,

WayIdList is a list containing unique identifiers for multiple ways.

#   def RelationGet(self, RelationId, RelationVersion=-1):
View Source
    def RelationGet(self, RelationId, RelationVersion=-1):
        Returns relation with `RelationId` as a dict:

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If `RelationVersion` is supplied, this specific version is returned,
        otherwise the latest version is returned.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}"
        if RelationVersion != -1:
            uri += f"/{RelationVersion}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relation = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseRelation(relation)

Returns relation with RelationId as a dict:

    'id': id of Relation,
    'member': [
            'ref': ID of referenced element,
            'role': optional description of role in relation
            'type': node|way|relation
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of Relation,
    'user': username of user that made the last change,
    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
    'timestamp': timestamp of last change,
    'visible': True|False

If RelationVersion is supplied, this specific version is returned, otherwise the latest version is returned.

If the requested element has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def RelationCreate(self, RelationData):
View Source
    def RelationCreate(self, RelationData):
        Creates a relation based on the supplied `RelationData` dict:

                'member': [] list of members,
                'tag': {} dict of tags,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the supplied information contain an existing node,
        `OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("create", "relation", RelationData)

Creates a relation based on the supplied RelationData dict:

    'member': [] list of members,
    'tag': {} dict of tags,

Returns updated RelationData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of Relation,
    'member': [
            'ref': ID of referenced element,
            'role': optional description of role in relation
            'type': node|way|relation
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of Relation,
    'user': username of user that made the last change,
    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If the supplied information contain an existing node, OsmApi.OsmTypeAlreadyExistsError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def RelationUpdate(self, RelationData):
View Source
    def RelationUpdate(self, RelationData):
        Updates relation with the supplied `RelationData` dict:

                'id': id of relation,
                'member': [] list of member dicts,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of relation,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("modify", "relation", RelationData)

Updates relation with the supplied RelationData dict:

    'id': id of relation,
    'member': [] list of member dicts,
    'tag': {},
    'version': version number of relation,

Returns updated RelationData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of Relation,
    'member': [
            'ref': ID of referenced element,
            'role': optional description of role in relation
            'type': node|way|relation
    'tag': {} dict of tags
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of Relation,
    'user': username of user that made the last change,
    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def RelationDelete(self, RelationData):
View Source
    def RelationDelete(self, RelationData):
        Delete relation with `RelationData` dict:

                'id': id of relation,
                'member': [] list of member dicts,
                'tag': {},
                'version': version number of relation,

        Returns updated `RelationData` (without timestamp):

                'id': id of Relation,
                'member': [
                        'ref': ID of referenced element,
                        'role': optional description of role in relation
                        'type': node|way|relation
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                'version': version number of Relation,
                'user': username of user that made the last change,
                'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                'visible': True|False

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element has already been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        return self._do("delete", "relation", RelationData)

Delete relation with RelationData dict:

    'id': id of relation,
    'member': [] list of member dicts,
    'tag': {},
    'version': version number of relation,

Returns updated RelationData (without timestamp):

    'id': id of Relation,
    'member': [
            'ref': ID of referenced element,
            'role': optional description of role in relation
            'type': node|way|relation
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
    'version': version number of Relation,
    'user': username of user that made the last change,
    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
    'visible': True|False

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

If the requested element has already been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def RelationHistory(self, RelationId):
View Source
    def RelationHistory(self, RelationId):
        Returns dict with version as key:

                '1': dict of RelationData,
                '2': dict of RelationData,

        `RelationId` is the unique identifier of a relation.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/history"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation")
        result = {}
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
            result[data["version"]] = data
        return result

Returns dict with version as key:

    '1': dict of RelationData,
    '2': dict of RelationData,

RelationId is the unique identifier of a relation.

#   def RelationRelations(self, RelationId):
View Source
    def RelationRelations(self, RelationId):
        Returns a list of dicts of `RelationData`
        containing relation `RelationId`:

                    'id': id of Relation,
                    'member': [
                            'ref': ID of referenced element,
                            'role': optional description of role in relation
                            'type': node|way|relation
                    'tag': {} dict of tags,
                    'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
                    'version': version number of Way,
                    'user': username of user that made the last change,
                    'uid': id of user that made the last change,
                    'visible': True|False

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a relation.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/relations"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation", allow_empty=True)
        result = []
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
        return result

Returns a list of dicts of RelationData containing relation RelationId:

        'id': id of Relation,
        'member': [
                'ref': ID of referenced element,
                'role': optional description of role in relation
                'type': node|way|relation
        'tag': {} dict of tags,
        'changeset': id of changeset of last change,
        'version': version number of Way,
        'user': username of user that made the last change,
        'uid': id of user that made the last change,
        'visible': True|False

The RelationId is a unique identifier for a relation.

#   def RelationFullRecur(self, RelationId):
View Source
    def RelationFullRecur(self, RelationId):
        Returns the full data (all levels) for relation
        `RelationId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        This function is useful for relations containing other relations.

        If you don't need all levels, use `OsmApi.RelationFull`
        instead, which return only 2 levels.

        If any relation (on any level) has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        data = []
        todo = [RelationId]
        done = []
        while todo:
            rid = todo.pop(0)
            temp = self.RelationFull(rid)
            for item in temp:
                if item["type"] != "relation":
                if item["data"]["id"] in done:
            data += temp
        return data

Returns the full data (all levels) for relation RelationId as list of dicts:

        'type': node|way|relation,
        'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
    { ... }

The RelationId is a unique identifier for a way.

This function is useful for relations containing other relations.

If you don't need all levels, use OsmApi.RelationFull instead, which return only 2 levels.

If any relation (on any level) has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def RelationFull(self, RelationId):
View Source
    def RelationFull(self, RelationId):
        Returns the full data (two levels) for relation
        `RelationId` as list of dicts:

                    'type': node|way|relation,
                    'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
                { ... }

        The `RelationId` is a unique identifier for a way.

        If you need all levels, use `OsmApi.RelationFullRecur`.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relation/{RelationId}/full"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

Returns the full data (two levels) for relation RelationId as list of dicts:

        'type': node|way|relation,
        'data': {} data dict for node|way|relation
    { ... }

The RelationId is a unique identifier for a way.

If you need all levels, use OsmApi.RelationFullRecur.

If the requested element has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def RelationsGet(self, RelationIdList):
View Source
    def RelationsGet(self, RelationIdList):
        Returns dict with the id of the relation as a key
        for each relation in `RelationIdList`:

                '1234': dict of RelationData,
                '5678': dict of RelationData,

        `RelationIdList` is a list containing unique identifiers
        for multiple relations.
        relation_list = ",".join([str(x) for x in RelationIdList])
        uri = f"/api/0.6/relations?relations={relation_list}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        relations = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="relation")
        result = {}
        for relation in relations:
            data = dom.DomParseRelation(relation)
            result[data["id"]] = data
        return result

Returns dict with the id of the relation as a key for each relation in RelationIdList:

    '1234': dict of RelationData,
    '5678': dict of RelationData,

RelationIdList is a list containing unique identifiers for multiple relations.

def Changeset(self, ChangesetTags={}):
View Source
    def Changeset(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Context manager for a Changeset.

        It opens a Changeset, uploads the changes and closes the changeset
        when used with the `with` statement:

            import osmapi

            with osmapi.Changeset({"comment": "Import script XYZ"}) as changeset_id:
                print(f"Part of changeset {changeset_id}")
                api.NodeCreate({"lon":1, "lat":1, "tag": {}})

        If `ChangesetTags` are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

        Returns `ChangesetId`

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        # Create a new changeset
        changeset_id = self.ChangesetCreate(ChangesetTags)
        yield changeset_id

        # upload data to changeset
        autosize = self._changesetautosize
        for i in range(0, len(self._changesetautodata), autosize):
            chunk = self._changesetautodata[i : i + autosize]
        self._changesetautodata = []

Context manager for a Changeset.

It opens a Changeset, uploads the changes and closes the changeset when used with the with statement:

import osmapi

with osmapi.Changeset({"comment": "Import script XYZ"}) as changeset_id:
    print(f"Part of changeset {changeset_id}")
    api.NodeCreate({"lon":1, "lat":1, "tag": {}})

If ChangesetTags are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

Returns ChangesetId

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

#   def ChangesetGet(self, ChangesetId, include_discussion=False):
View Source
    def ChangesetGet(self, ChangesetId, include_discussion=False):
        Returns changeset with `ChangesetId` as a dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'discussion': [] list of comment dict (-> `include_discussion`)
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        `ChangesetId` is the unique identifier of a changeset.

        If `include_discussion` is set to `True` the changeset discussion
        will be available in the result.
        path = f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}"
        if include_discussion:
            path = f"{path}?include_discussion=true"
        data = self._session._get(path)
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset, include_discussion=include_discussion)

Returns changeset with ChangesetId as a dict:

    'id': id of Changeset,
    'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
    'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
    'comments_count': amount of comments
    'discussion': [] list of comment dict (-> `include_discussion`)
    'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'user': username of user that created this changeset,
    'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

ChangesetId is the unique identifier of a changeset.

If include_discussion is set to True the changeset discussion will be available in the result.

#   def ChangesetUpdate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
View Source
    def ChangesetUpdate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Updates current changeset with `ChangesetTags`.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError("No changeset currently opened")
        if "created_by" not in ChangesetTags:
            ChangesetTags["created_by"] = self._created_by
                xmlbuilder._XmlBuild("changeset", {"tag": ChangesetTags}, data=self),
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        return self._CurrentChangesetId

Updates current changeset with ChangesetTags.

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def ChangesetCreate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
View Source
    def ChangesetCreate(self, ChangesetTags={}):
        Opens a changeset.

        If `ChangesetTags` are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

        Returns `ChangesetId`

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        if self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError("Changeset already opened")
        if "created_by" not in ChangesetTags:
            ChangesetTags["created_by"] = self._created_by

        # check if someone tries to create a test changeset to PROD
        if (
            self._api == "https://www.openstreetmap.org"
            and ChangesetTags.get("comment") == "My first test"
            raise errors.OsmApiError(
                "DO NOT CREATE test changesets on the production server"

        result = self._session._put(
            xmlbuilder._XmlBuild("changeset", {"tag": ChangesetTags}, data=self),
        self._CurrentChangesetId = int(result)
        return self._CurrentChangesetId

Opens a changeset.

If ChangesetTags are given, this tags are applied (key/value).

Returns ChangesetId

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.

#   def ChangesetClose(self):
View Source
    def ChangesetClose(self):
        Closes current changeset.

        Returns `ChangesetId`.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        if not self._CurrentChangesetId:
            raise errors.NoChangesetOpenError("No changeset currently opened")
            CurrentChangesetId = self._CurrentChangesetId
            self._CurrentChangesetId = 0
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        return CurrentChangesetId

Closes current changeset.

Returns ChangesetId.

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def ChangesetUpload(self, ChangesData):
View Source
    def ChangesetUpload(self, ChangesData):
        Upload data with the `ChangesData` list of dicts:

                type: node|way|relation,
                action: create|delete|modify,
                data: {}

        Returns list with updated ids.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        data = ""
        data += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
        data += '<osmChange version="0.6" generator="'
        data += self._created_by + '">\n'
        for change in ChangesData:
            data += "<" + change["action"] + ">\n"
            changeData = change["data"]
            data += self._add_changeset_data(changeData, change["type"])
            data += "</" + change["action"] + ">\n"
        data += "</osmChange>"
            data = self._session._post(
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409 and re.search(
                r"The changeset .* was closed at .*", e.payload
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
            data = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
            data = data.getElementsByTagName("diffResult")[0]
            data = [x for x in data.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE]
        except (xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, IndexError) as e:
            raise errors.XmlResponseInvalidError(
                f"The XML response from the OSM API is invalid: {e!r}"
            ) from e

        for change in ChangesData:
            if change["action"] == "delete":
                for changeElement in change["data"]:
                self._assign_id_and_version(data, change["data"])

        return ChangesData

Upload data with the ChangesData list of dicts:

    type: node|way|relation,
    action: create|delete|modify,
    data: {}

Returns list with updated ids.

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def ChangesetDownload(self, ChangesetId):
View Source
    def ChangesetDownload(self, ChangesetId):
        Download data from changeset `ChangesetId`.

        Returns list of dict:

                'type': node|way|relation,
                'action': create|delete|modify,
                'data': {}
        uri = f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/download"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsc(data)

Download data from changeset ChangesetId.

Returns list of dict:

    'type': node|way|relation,
    'action': create|delete|modify,
    'data': {}
#   def ChangesetsGet( self, min_lon=None, min_lat=None, max_lon=None, max_lat=None, userid=None, username=None, closed_after=None, created_before=None, only_open=False, only_closed=False ):
View Source
    def ChangesetsGet(  # noqa
        Returns a dict with the id of the changeset as key
        matching all criteria:

                '1234': dict of ChangesetData,
                '5678': dict of ChangesetData,

        All parameters are optional.

        uri = "/api/0.6/changesets"
        params = {}
        if min_lon or min_lat or max_lon or max_lat:
            params["bbox"] = f"{min_lon},{min_lat},{max_lon},{max_lat}"
        if userid:
            params["user"] = userid
        if username:
            params["display_name"] = username
        if closed_after and not created_before:
            params["time"] = closed_after
        if created_before:
            if not closed_after:
                closed_after = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            params["time"] = f"{closed_after},{created_before}"
        if only_open:
            params["open"] = 1
        if only_closed:
            params["closed"] = 1

        if params:
            uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)

        data = self._session._get(uri)
        changesets = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset")
        result = {}
        for curChangeset in changesets:
            tmpCS = dom.DomParseChangeset(curChangeset)
            result[tmpCS["id"]] = tmpCS
        return result

Returns a dict with the id of the changeset as key matching all criteria:

    '1234': dict of ChangesetData,
    '5678': dict of ChangesetData,

All parameters are optional.

#   def ChangesetComment(self, ChangesetId, comment):
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    def ChangesetComment(self, ChangesetId, comment):
        Adds a comment to the changeset `ChangesetId`

        `comment` should be a string.

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the changeset is already closed,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError` is raised.
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({"text": comment})
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/comment", params, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.ChangesetClosedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

Adds a comment to the changeset ChangesetId

comment should be a string.

Returns the updated ChangesetData dict:

    'id': id of Changeset,
    'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
    'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
    'comments_count': amount of comments
    'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'user': username of user that created this changeset,
    'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If the changeset is already closed, OsmApi.ChangesetClosedApiError is raised.

#   def ChangesetSubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
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    def ChangesetSubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
        Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset `ChangesetId`.

        The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/subscribe", None, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ApiError as e:
            if e.status == 409:
                raise errors.AlreadySubscribedApiError(
                    e.status, e.reason, e.payload
                ) from e
        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset ChangesetId.

The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

Returns the updated ChangesetData dict:

    'id': id of Changeset,
    'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
    'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
    'comments_count': amount of comments
    'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'user': username of user that created this changeset,
    'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

#   def ChangesetUnsubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
View Source
    def ChangesetUnsubscribe(self, ChangesetId):
        Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset `ChangesetId`.

        The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

        Returns the updated `ChangesetData` dict:

                'id': id of Changeset,
                'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
                'tag': {} dict of tags,
                'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
                'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
                'comments_count': amount of comments
                'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
                'user': username of user that created this changeset,
                'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
            data = self._session._post(
                f"/api/0.6/changeset/{ChangesetId}/unsubscribe", None, forceAuth=True
        except errors.ElementNotFoundApiError as e:
            raise errors.NotSubscribedApiError(e.status, e.reason, e.payload) from e

        changeset = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="changeset", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseChangeset(changeset)

Subcribe to the changeset discussion of changeset ChangesetId.

The user will be informed about new comments (i.e. receive an email).

Returns the updated ChangesetData dict:

    'id': id of Changeset,
    'open': True|False, wheter or not this changeset is open
    'tag': {} dict of tags,
    'created_at': timestamp of creation of this changeset
    'closed_at': timestamp when changeset was closed
    'comments_count': amount of comments
    'max_lon': maximum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'max_lat': maximum latitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lon': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'min_lat': minimum longitude of changes in this changeset
    'user': username of user that created this changeset,
    'uid': id of user that created this changeset,

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

#   def NotesGet(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, limit=100, closed=7):
View Source
    def NotesGet(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, limit=100, closed=7):
        Returns a list of dicts of notes in the specified bounding box:

                    'id': integer,
                    'action': opened|commented|closed,
                    'status': open|closed
                    'date_created': creation date
                    'date_closed': closing data|None
                    'uid': User ID|None
                    'user': User name|None
                    'comments': {}
                { ... }

        The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

        closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed
        to no longer be returned.
        The value 0 means only open bugs are returned,
        -1 means all bugs are returned.

        All parameters are optional.
        uri = (
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseNotes(data)

Returns a list of dicts of notes in the specified bounding box:

        'id': integer,
        'action': opened|commented|closed,
        'status': open|closed
        'date_created': creation date
        'date_closed': closing data|None
        'uid': User ID|None
        'user': User name|None
        'comments': {}
    { ... }

The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed to no longer be returned. The value 0 means only open bugs are returned, -1 means all bugs are returned.

All parameters are optional.

#   def NoteGet(self, id):
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    def NoteGet(self, id):
        Returns a note as dict:

                'id': integer,
                'action': opened|commented|closed,
                'status': open|closed
                'date_created': creation date
                'date_closed': closing data|None
                'uid': User ID|None
                'user': User name|None
                'comments': {}

        `id` is the unique identifier of the note.
        uri = f"/api/0.6/notes/{id}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        noteElement = dom.OsmResponseToDom(data, tag="note", single=True)
        return dom.DomParseNote(noteElement)

Returns a note as dict:

    'id': integer,
    'action': opened|commented|closed,
    'status': open|closed
    'date_created': creation date
    'date_closed': closing data|None
    'uid': User ID|None
    'user': User name|None
    'comments': {}

id is the unique identifier of the note.

#   def NoteCreate(self, NoteData):
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    def NoteCreate(self, NoteData):
        Creates a note based on the supplied `NoteData` dict:

                'lat': latitude of note,
                'lon': longitude of note,
                'text': text of the note,

        Returns updated `NoteData`:

                'id': id of note,
                'lat': latitude of note,
                'lon': longitude of note,
                'date_created': date when the note was created
                'date_closed': date when the note was closed or None if it's open,
                'status': status of the note (open or closed),
                'comments': [
                        'date': date of the comment,
                        'action': status of comment (opened, commented, closed),
                        'text': text of the note,
                        'html': html version of the text of the note,
                        'uid': user id of the user creating this note or None
                        'user': username of the user creating this note or None

        uri = "/api/0.6/notes"
        uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(NoteData)
        return self._NoteAction(uri)

Creates a note based on the supplied NoteData dict:

    'lat': latitude of note,
    'lon': longitude of note,
    'text': text of the note,

Returns updated NoteData:

    'id': id of note,
    'lat': latitude of note,
    'lon': longitude of note,
    'date_created': date when the note was created
    'date_closed': date when the note was closed or None if it's open,
    'status': status of the note (open or closed),
    'comments': [
            'date': date of the comment,
            'action': status of comment (opened, commented, closed),
            'text': text of the note,
            'html': html version of the text of the note,
            'uid': user id of the user creating this note or None
            'user': username of the user creating this note or None
#   def NoteComment(self, NoteId, comment):
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    def NoteComment(self, NoteId, comment):
        Adds a new comment to a note.

        Returns the updated note.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/comment"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment)

Adds a new comment to a note.

Returns the updated note.

#   def NoteClose(self, NoteId, comment):
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    def NoteClose(self, NoteId, comment):
        Closes a note.

        Returns the updated note.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/close"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment, optionalAuth=False)

Closes a note.

Returns the updated note.

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

#   def NoteReopen(self, NoteId, comment):
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    def NoteReopen(self, NoteId, comment):
        Reopens a note.

        Returns the updated note.

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If the requested element has been deleted,
        `OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError` is raised.

        If the requested element can not be found,
        `OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError` is raised.
        path = f"/api/0.6/notes/{NoteId}/reopen"
        return self._NoteAction(path, comment, optionalAuth=False)

Reopens a note.

Returns the updated note.

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If the requested element has been deleted, OsmApi.ElementDeletedApiError is raised.

If the requested element can not be found, OsmApi.ElementNotFoundApiError is raised.

#   def NotesSearch(self, query, limit=100, closed=7):
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    def NotesSearch(self, query, limit=100, closed=7):
        Returns a list of dicts of notes that match the given search query.

        The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

        closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed
        to no longer be returned.
        The value 0 means only open bugs are returned,
        -1 means all bugs are returned.
        uri = "/api/0.6/notes/search"
        params = {}
        params["q"] = query
        params["limit"] = limit
        params["closed"] = closed
        uri += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
        data = self._session._get(uri)

        return parser.ParseNotes(data)

Returns a list of dicts of notes that match the given search query.

The limit parameter defines how many results should be returned.

closed specifies the number of days a bug needs to be closed to no longer be returned. The value 0 means only open bugs are returned, -1 means all bugs are returned.

#   def Map(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat):
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    def Map(self, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat):
        Download data in bounding box.

        Returns list of dict:

                type: node|way|relation,
                data: {}
        uri = f"/api/0.6/map?bbox={min_lon:f},{min_lat:f},{max_lon:f},{max_lat:f}"
        data = self._session._get(uri)
        return parser.ParseOsm(data)

Download data in bounding box.

Returns list of dict:

    type: node|way|relation,
    data: {}
#   def flush(self):
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    def flush(self):
        Force the changes to be uploaded to OSM and the changeset to be closed

        If no authentication information are provided,
        `OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError` is raised.

        If there is no open changeset,
        `OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError` is raised.

        If there is already an open changeset,
        `OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError` is raised.
        return self._changesetautoflush(True)

Force the changes to be uploaded to OSM and the changeset to be closed

If no authentication information are provided, OsmApi.UsernamePasswordMissingError is raised.

If there is no open changeset, OsmApi.NoChangesetOpenError is raised.

If there is already an open changeset, OsmApi.ChangesetAlreadyOpenError is raised.